Quantum Field Theory of Many-Body Systems
XiaoGang Department of Physics and 2 more
Not Available
Exploring the Quantum
Serge and 3 more
Models of Cellular Regulation
Baltazar and 4 more
Information, Physics, and Computation
Marc Mezard and 1 more
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Jean Head of DapniaDSMCEASaclay and 1 more
Semiconducting and Metallic Polymers
Alan J Department of Physics and 3 more
Excitations in Simple Liquids, Liquid Metals and Superfluids
Wouter University of Missouri and 5 more
Kinetic Theory of Granular Gases
Nikolai V and 5 more
Molecular Electromagnetism: A Computational Chemistry Approach
Stephan P A Department of Chemistry and 2 more
An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Robert H Department of Physics and 1 more
Theories of Molecular Reaction Dynamics
Niels E Department of Chemistry and 3 more
Discrete Symmetries and CP Violation
Marco Department of Physics and 2 more
Simple Models of Magnetism
Ralph Center for Materials Research and Analysis and 1 more
Pierre Department of Physics and 1 more
Baltazar Visiting Associate Professor and 3 more
Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group
Jean Head of Department and 3 more
Primordial Cosmology
Patrick Institut dAstrophysique de Paris Peter and 1 more
Introduction to Quantum Information Science
Vlatko and 2 more
S Haroche and 1 more
Analytical Mechanics
Antonio Dipartimento di Matematica and 3 more
Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases
Abraham Professor of Chemistry and 3 more
Quantum Optics
John Department of Physics and 2 more
Quantum Electronics for Atomic Physics and Telecommunication
Warren University of Washington and 1 more
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics
Noëlle Professor of Physics and 3 more
Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
Henrik Bruus and 1 more
Elements of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
Hidetoshi Department of Physics and 4 more
Practical Quantum Mechanics
Efstratios Professor of Physics and 2 more
Excitons and Cooper Pairs
Monique Directeur de Recherche CNRS Emeritus and 2 more
Analytical Mechanics for Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
Oliver Emeritus Professor and 3 more
Quantum Fields
Michael Professor of Physics and 3 more
Physics and Technology of Sustainable Energy
E L Professor of Physics and 4 more
Relativity in Modern Physics
Nathalie Director of research and 3 more
Single-Molecule Studies of Nucleic Acids and Their Proteins
David Research Director and Professor and 4 more
An Introduction to Quantum Optics and Quantum Fluctuations
Prof Peter Laboratory Fellow and Research Professor and 2 more
Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory
Carsten A Department of Physics and Astronomy and 1 more
Models of Quantum Matter
HansPeter Adjunct Professor and 4 more
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Nils Professor of Mathematics and 4 more
R Aveyard
Statistical Field Theory
G Mussardo
Discrete Communication Systems
Stevan M Berber
From Random Walks to Random Matrices
Jean Scientific Advisor and 3 more
When Things Grow Many
L S Schulman
Quantum Liquids
Anthony James Macarthur Professor and Professor of Physics and 2 more
Introduction to Nanophotonics
Henri Benisty and 2 more
Michael Kachelriess
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory With Applications to Quantum Gravity
I L Buchbinder and 1 more
Peter W Milonni
Statistical Mechanics
Mark E Tuckerman
Classical and Quantum Parametric Phenomena
Oded Zilberberg and 1 more
Particulate and Granular Magnetism
Kevin OGrady and 2 more
Bell Nonlocality
Prof Valerio Principle Investigator and Professor and 2 more
Niels Engholm Henriksen and 1 more
Statistics of Extremes and Records in Random Sequences
Satya N Majumdar and 1 more
Statistical Mechanics and Stochastic Thermodynamics
David T Limmer
Robert H Swendsen
Quantum Stochastic Thermodynamics
Philipp Strasberg
Fundamentals of Multicomponent High-Entropy Materials
B Cantor
Prof Edward Wolf